Friday, October 31, 2008

Hello from sunny Dallas. Here we are at the end of the 6th week. It has been a full and exciting week to say the least. :0) Last Saturday we had a workday at Park Cities Presbyterian Church helping primarily in the PreSchool Department. The class joyfully prepared crafts for Sunday School, cleaned and organized toys in the classrooms, organized storage rooms, filed choir music and dusted the Sanctuary. It was a busy day and fun was had by all. Monday morning Mr. Novotny began working with the ladies on their Life Purpose Planning. His enthusiasm was contagious and they all had a great time together. Tuesday evening Mrs. Barnard introduced Banners and creativity has abounded the last few days as each one has designed and created her own banner representing one of the Hebrew names of God. Last night (Thursday) and this morning we were blessed to have Stacy Smith share her testimony and encourage everyone in their salvation, thoughts and dealing with bitterness. God has been good to us!

In the midst of all of the classes we have been excited to see different ones opening up and dealing with issues in their lives. God is at work and we are blessed to be a part of it!

Please pray for us as we have two weeks to go. Keeping in mind that this is still a fourth of the class and while hearts are turning towards home we don't want them to miss what He still has in store for us here. Thank you!

More pictures will be coming soon!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Greetings from Dallas. Wow! Here we are nearing the end of the 5th week of EXCEL 31. The class is going by so quickly. It has been a full week with our speaker, Mrs. Cantrell. So far she has shared with the class on a number of different topics - Time Managements, Contentment, Interior Decorating, Hospitality, and Etiquette - just to name a few. She has so much Godly wisdom to share and her love for the Lord and the students is clearly seen. In the afternoons the class has also enjoyed listening to Lauren Bourcier (former EXCEL student, Team Leader, and currently works with the Advanced EXCEL program) read "Basket of Flowers". We see the Lord at work in the hearts and lives of different ones in the class and are excited about all He is doing. We are just seeing the outward evidences of the work - we know much more is going on behind the scenes!

Please pray that the students would continue to have open hearts to the Lord and the things He wants to teach them. With 21 full days left in the class we want to make the most of each day. Thank you!

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's hard to believe we're halfway through the course already. This week we've been doing Excellence in Communications, and everyone is looking forward to going out tomorrow with families from around the area.

Team 2 Cake Decorating
Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance

Self Defense

CPR and First Aid

CPR and First Aid

Team 1 at Dallas Heritage Village
Sarah and Heather
Cross stitch introduction with Katie Wagner

Lydia making butter

Thursday, October 9, 2008

EXCEL 31- Update 1

EXCEL 31 is off to a great start. We are at the end of our 3rd week. We've been staying busy with different hands on projects such as sewing, smocking, canning, calligraphy, cake decorating, self defense and vehicle and household maintenance. We have also had several speakers come in to teach. They include Mr. and Mrs. Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Jackie Wood, Mrs. Chardell Novotny, Mr. Dan Ballman and his daughter Patricia, Amy Elam and Mr. Keith Neds. So far things are running smoothly and everyone seems to be enjoying their time here.

A fire drill

Mr. and Mrs. Welch with one of the students

A team leader and one of "her girls"

A team over at Dallas Heritage Village

Spending some time outside

Sisters :)