Thursday, February 26, 2009

Girls enjoying themselves while spending time at the park Rachel and Elisabeth
Playing Red-Rover

Mr. Bell and Ruby Playing at the piano

Learning how to properly walk down the stairs during Etiquette class

Anna and Lydia
Rachel and Susanna
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

EIC Week

We are right in the middle of the 4th week, facing the daunting Excellence in Communications! Encouragement is at it's peak during this week. Notes are going back and forth, Wisdom Searches are about fear and trusting God, and everyone is quick to come alongside another and say, "Just do your best; Christ will be your strength!" It's wonderful to be able to lift each other up and look to Christ as we are stretched academically.

Miss Patricia Ballmann joined us last Monday to begin instruction in geography, English, vocabulary, grammar, history, and Bible. She truly has a heart for seeing every young lady that comes through EXCEL leave with the skills to be an excellent communicator of Christ's truth.

Everyone is looking forward to the final exam this Friday and the home visit day this Saturday, though for very different reasons. Local families will take the girls out by teams on Saturday to go shopping or to just relax after such a busy, challenging week.

Everyone seems to be studying hard and applying themselves to knowledge. They are learning character lessons for a lifetime.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We are finishing the third week now and are very blessed to have Mrs. Bernadine Cantrell as our guest speaker. The girls have been learning about a variety of subjects and seem to enjoy each one. This past weekend, the girls enjoyed cake decorating, car maintenance and self-defense.
Meridith and Ashley
Team 3 and their beautiful cake

Team 2 showing off their cake


Contestants for the Creative Sewing Contest

Car Maintenance with Mr. Ballmann

Friday, February 13, 2009


EXCEL 32 is well underway as we complete our second week. The girls continue to get to know one another as they share in memories during sessions with the speakers and participate in hands on activities. Over the past couple of weeks, the girls have enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Bob Welch, Mrs. Chardell Novotny, Mrs. Elaine Bell, Mr. Dan Ballmann and Patricia his daughter, Mrs. Jackie Wood, Amy Elam, and Brittnay Smith.

Arrival Day


Friends for a lifetime